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Pietential Professional Edition

- The Holistic Wellbeing Development & Diagnostic Platform


Does Your Organization Care About the Wellbeing of Its People?

If the Answer Is Yes, You’re in the Right Place!

Your organization can license Pietential’s Professional Services Edition (Pietential Pro) for the people you lead and serve, giving each of them insights and tools to assess, visualize, develop, and monitor their holistic wellbeing.

By licensing Pietential Pro, your organization will have unprecedented and evidence-based insights into holistic wellbeing at the individual, group, and total population levels.

• Support personal growth at the individual level
• Benchmark wellbeing at the individual, group and population levels
• Monitor wellbeing progress
• Set wellbeing alerts to notify you of dips in wellbeing
• Compare wellbeing across demographic cohorts

What is Pietential?

Pietential Pro Gives You the Diagnostic Tools to Understand and Impact Wellbeing.

Pietential's Wellbeing Diagnostic Dashboard

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The Pietential Platform Administrator Journey

Pietential measures the Holistic Wellbeing of the people you lead and serve. It measures their relationship to their Physiology, Safety, Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization. The platform allows you to create and compare demographic cohorts. It even allows you to set Wellbeing Alerts when you’re concerned about the wellbeing of an individual, entire population, or cohort.

Monitor Individual Wellbeing

Pietential benchmarks and monitors an individual’s relationship to their Physiology, Safety, Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization and tracks their progress over time. Depending on how you choose to set up your Administrative Dashboard, the ability to share individual wellbeing scores can be controlled by the User or the Admin.

Monitor Your Population’s Wellbeing Average

The “Population Average” feature lets you monitor and track your entire population’s wellbeing.

Build Demographic Cohorts

Pietential allows you, the platform administrator, to set up demographic cohorts within your population. Choose from over 50 pre-defined demographic characteristics and suggest custom fields, or integrate Pietential with your HRIS or HCM and visualize and compare the attributes you already measure in your system.

Monitor Dips in Wellbeing

Pietential allows platform administrators the ability to set Wellbeing Alerts to measure dips in your population’s relationship to your Physiology, Safety, Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization at the individual, cohort, and total population levels.

Compare Wellbeing by Demography or Cohort

And Pietential empowers business leaders to make informed decisions by understanding how the wellbeing of certain demographics or demographic cohorts compares to other demographics or cohorts within the total population.

Offer Pietential to Your Population

Pietential is a holistic wellbeing assessment, improvement, and progress tracking platform. It measures the relationship to Physiology, Safety, Belonging, Self-Esteem, and Self-Actualization among members of your population. Basically, we’ve gamified wellbeing measurement and management.

Want to learn more?

Contact Us and Schedule a Live Demonstration.

Pietential Advisor


For HR Leaders of Enterprise Organizations

Securely connect Pietential to your HRIS, visualizing and monitoring wellbeing data according to your employee demographic categories.

Pietential Advisor


For HR Leaders in small to mid-sized companies

Choosing from over 50 demographic categories, SMBs can monitor and compare employee wellbeing, while offering personal growth support.

Pietential Advisor


For professional life coaches

Build understanding and trust with clients (and potential clients) more quickly, and stay connected to them through wellbeing alerts.

Pietential Ngo


For NGO and NPO directors

Measure and monitor the good you do for the populations you serve, and prove the efficacy of your programs in improving their wellbeing.

What is Pietential?

Visualize, Benchmark, Improve & Monitor Organizational Wellbeing