This case study delves into the lives and wellbeing of the Korku tribes residing in the
Kesala block of the Narmadapuram district in Madhya Pradesh, India. Organized by
Prerit Bhauuddeshiya Sanstha Samiti (PBSS), this research initiative stems from the
organization's enduring commitment to social causes, particularly within tribal
The study aims to evaluate the holistic wellbeing of the Korku people, the fourth-largest indigenous community in India, known for their distinct language and culture. It focuses on assessing wellbeing differences influenced by gender and education, the impact of PBSS’s Lifestyle Adjustment Programs, and the effects of vocational training on widowed individuals. Utilizing Pietential’s holistic wellbeing assessment based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, the study involved a two-phase assessment process with pre-assessment in June and July 2023 and post-assessment in January and February 2024.
About the organization: The presented study was organized by Prerit Bhauuddeshiya Sanstha Samiti, established under registration number 01/07/26954/13 in accordance with the Madhya Pradesh Society Registration Act, 1973.
Over the past decade, the organization has dedicated its efforts to addressing social issues and promoting social awareness. Additionally, its commitment is integrated with the broader objective of advancing primary education, women's empowerment, and community development through collaborative efforts with local resources. The organization has been working for the welfare of the Korku tribal community for several years.
Aim of The Study:
The Korku tribe, the fourth largest indigenous
community in India, is renowned for its unique language,
culture, and economic practices. While some Korku
people have integrated into urban settings, prioritizing
education and employment, many continue to adhere to
their traditional lifestyles in rural areas. This study aims
to evaluate the holistic wellbeing of the Korku
community, focusing on changes influenced by gender
and educational demographics.
Key objectives include:
1- Assessing differences in holistic wellbeing influenced by gender and education.
2- Measuring the impact of PBSS’s Lifestyle Adjustment Programs on the community’s
3- Evaluating the effects of vocational training programs on the wellbeing of widowed
Methodology: The PBSS organization has utilized Pietential for holistic assessment of its targeted population to evaluate their overall wellbeing. The data obtained from the holistic assessment platform was utilized by the organization to design awareness campaigns, counseling services, formal educational programs, and training programs. Through this, an analysis of harmony with current development and change among men and women of the Korku community could be conducted.
Pietential, is a holistic wellbeing assessment based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs. It enables non-governmental organizations, enterprises, SMEs, and consultants with a tool to benchmark, monitor, and envision the overall wellbeing of individuals, groups, and populations they lead and serve. Pietential also aids NGOs and NPOs in proving the efficacy of their work. This can, in turn, help them to add or modify programs, secure funding, and monitor the population they lead and serve. Through Pietential, NGOs and NPOs can monitor the good that they do.
Phases and Execution of the Study:
The present study is divided into two distinct phases: pre-assessment and post-assessment.
The study included a target sample of one thousand individuals (N=1000) from the Korku community. The pre-assessment occurred in June and July 2023, while the post-assessment occurred in January and February 2024 through individual interviews. This study was conducted in the Kesla Development Block under the Narmadapuram district of Madhya Pradesh, India.
It aimed to examine the ongoing changes in the lifestyle of the Korku tribal community. For this purpose, a study was conducted involving 114 villages of 52 gram panchayats within the Kesla Development Block. A sample of 1000 individuals was gathered using a random sampling method with the assistance of 20 voluntary social workers.
(The Gram Panchayat is a local self-government institution established at the village level that manages the village's development and administrative functions. Its objective is to ensure the continuity and improvement of all administrative, social, economic, and developmental activities in the village.)
Findings of the study:
1- A) Assessing differences in holistic wellbeing influenced by gender
Using Pietential Platform’s comparative analysis feature, Pbss assessed wellbeing of Male Vs Female-
This data analysis is extremely important as it helps us understand more about gender equality in society. According to the pre-assessment, it is evident that the status of men and women in self-actualization (M66%-F65%), self-esteem (M68%-F66%), and sense of belonging (M69%-F66%) is almost equal, which encourages unity in the realms of social, psychological, and human experience. However, there is a slight difference in safety (M70%-F67%) and physiological health (M68%-F65%), where the situation of men is slightly better. This suggests the need for more efforts towards the safety (67%) and physiological health (65%) of women in society so that we can progress towards a prosperous and egalitarian society
Based on the above data, PBSS organized various programs for six months after the
pre-assessment period for the upliftment of women, among which the following were
the main ones:
Comprehensive Women's Health Programs: PBSS spearheaded extensive health programs tailored specifically for women. These initiatives encompassed workshops and seminars highlighting the critical importance of safety and health, comprehensive education on nutrition for optimal wellbeing, strategies to bolster immunity, and detailed information on disease symptoms, treatments, and preventive measures. By prioritizing women's health education, PBSS aimed to empower them with knowledge essential for their holistic wellbeing.
Empowerment through Community Engagement: PBSS initiated community-wide campaigns and interactive sessions focused on women's safety and health. Through collaborative efforts with local authorities, government campaigns, and public health schemes, PBSS disseminated vital information and resources to raise awareness about safety measures and health practices crucial for women's welfare.
Personalized Health Advisory Services: PBSS introduced personalized health advisory services facilitated by local health assistants trained to address women's specific health concerns. These services offered tailored advice on individual and community health matters, leveraging community resources and expertise from health specialists to provide holistic guidance and support for women's overall wellbeing.
By implementing these multifaceted and women-centric interventions, PBSS aimed not only to bridge the existing gaps in safety and physiological health but also to empower women with the knowledge, resources, and support necessary for their sustained and enhanced wellbeing within the Korku tribal community.
Post-assessment Findings:
After the implementation of these programs and counseling services focusing on safety
and health for women, Pietential’s holistic wellbeing assessment was readministered
after six months. A significant increase in self-actualization (22%), self-esteem (9%),
belongingness (16%), perception of security (7%), and physiological wellbeing (13%)
was observed through post-assessment data.
Following the implementation of awareness programs focusing on safety and health, along with counseling services, progress in these women's needs underscores the initiatives' effectiveness. As a result, individuals' awareness has increased, as they have access to necessary information for leading safer and healthier lives. Moreover, these programs have enriched social structures and increased cooperation and support among people. Thus, the progress in needs made it clear that these programs and services are truly important for society to progress toward a prosperous and secure future.
B) Assessing differences in holistic wellbeing influenced by education
Pbss assessed the differences in holistic wellbeing influenced by education by using comparative analysis data from Pietential and then compiling it together
The above table displays data that allows us to delve into significant factors while examining the impact of education on wellbeing. The data here has been shared by PBSS with other NGOs operating in the education sector in the same area for collaborative intervention beyond the scope of the present study.
1. Safety and Self-esteem: Generally, a higher level of education implies a higher sense of safety and self-esteem. The attainment of safety and self-esteem is highest at the level of a master's or equivalent education.
2. Education Level and Self-literacy: As one progresses beyond the primary education level, the rate of self-literacy also increases, leading the person to achieve an advanced education.
2. Education Level and Self-literacy: At the level of Masters or equivalent education, the rate of physiological improvement is the highest, with the most significant enhancements.
4. The impact of prescribed educational levels: Generally, at higher levels of education, there are higher rates of safety, self-literacy, and self-esteem.
5. Lack of education: In those who do not receive proper education, there appears to be a lack of self-literacy and physiological improvement, while their levels of safety and self-esteem are higher.
After the assessment, the community was shown their cumulative and individual results, and here are some of their opinions-
“Through this assessment today, we can understand how
we can continuously progress ourselves.”
“This assessment will assist us in designing our development.”
"We need education and better health, and the assessment is highlighting it."
2) Measuring the impact of PBSS’s Lifestyle Adjustment Programs on the community’s wellbeing:
The Lifestyle Adjustment Program (LAP) is an important initiative designed to assist members with solutions to their challenges in acclimating to modern facilities and opportunities. This program's primary objective was to guide the population toward balance and prosperity in their daily lives and utilize the advancement in technology, lifestyle, and medicine. When conducting the pre-assessment of the sample, our goal was to benchmark the baseline population’s average holistic wellbeing before the commencement of LAP. This helps us understand their current state of wellbeing and also serves as the comparative point to measure progression or regression in the wellbeing after program implementation. This also helps us understand the areas where modifications and support is needed, enabling us to prepare an effective action plan.
Pre-Assessment finding:
To assess and benchmark the baseline average holistic wellbeing of the whole population, Pbss used Pietential’s population Average feature
SELF-ESTEEM: is at 67%.
BELONGING: is at 68%.
SAFETY: is at 69%.
In essence, the population is parallel or more in SELF-ACTUALIZATION, SELF-ESTEEM, BELONGING, SAFETY, and PHYSIOLOGICAL needs but slightly behind in SELF-ACTUALIZATION. This comparison can assist in identifying the need for improvement in overall welfare.
To uplift the Korku community's population, PBSS organized the following comprehensive
and holistic programs over a six-month period with the help of other local NGOs and
volunteers from the community: government documents, healthcare, technological
engagement, and other critical initiatives. The program is collectively named the Lifestyle
Adjustment Program (LAP).
Document Assistance Camps:
Regular camps were organized to facilitate the creation of
the following important documents that help citizens of India to benefit and participate in
different programs of Indian Govt-
Banking Services: Sessions were conducted to assist in opening bank accounts and promoting financial inclusion among the population
Healthcare and Nutrition:
Digital Literacy and Technology:
Legal Awareness and Protection:
Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and Networking:
Post- Assessment Findings:
After six months of active participation in the above program, Pietential’s holistic wellbeing
assessment was readministered to re-evaluate the population's average wellbeing
SELF-ACTUALIZATION: In the previous assessment, the standard for the population was 65%, which increased to 74% after the intervention. Total of 9% increase.
SELF-ESTEEM: In the initial assessment, the standard of the population was 67%, which increased to 79% after the intervention, naturally encouraging social and mental fortitude. Total of 12% increase.
BELONGING: In the initial assessment, the standard of the population was 68%, which, after the intervention, became 72%. This is a total of 4% increase.
SAFETY: The initial assessment of the population was 69%, which increased to 76% after the intervention. Total of 7% increase.
PHYSIOLOGICAL: The pre-assessment of the population was at 67%, which increased to 72% after the intervention. Total of 5% increase.
The presented data demonstrates the effectiveness of PBSS’s LAP programs and proves that acclimation to modern facilities and opportunities indeed causes progression in the overall wellbeing of the Korku tribal community.
3) Evaluating the effects of vocational training programs on the wellbeing
of widowed individuals.
A) As a first step, the comparative data was generated using Pietential’s platform to see the difference between the wellbeing of Married, Unmarried, and Widowed individuals.
In data analysis, a comparison has been made between the fulfillment levels of various needs among unmarried, married, and widowed individuals.
Unmarried: 66%, Married: 66%, Widowed: 54%
In comparison to married individuals, the level of self-esteem is slightly higher among unmarried individuals. However, in comparison to both unmarried and married individuals, the level of self-esteem is significantly lower among widowed individuals. This could be due to emotional challenges associated with losing a partner and related emotional struggles.
Unmarried: 70%, Married: 69%, Widowed: 48%
The level of self-esteem between unmarried and married individuals is relatively consistent, but it is considerably lower among widowed individuals. This is understandable because widowed individuals feel loss and separation after losing their partner.
Unmarried: 70%, Married: 68%, Widowed: 50%
Safety needs are generally fulfilled to the same extent across all three groups, although the level of this in widowed individuals is slightly lower in society. This indicates that being widowed has some impact on security perceptions, although this difference is not as clear-cut as other needs.
Unmarried: 68%, Married: 69%, Widowed: 46%
Physiological needs such as food, water, and shelter are relatively consistent between unmarried and married individuals, but significantly lower among widowed individuals. This may indicate that widowed individuals struggle more to fulfill basic survival needs, which could be related to factors such as financial stability or health challenges.
The presented data reveals that the level of fulfillment of all needs for widowed people is lower compared to those who are unmarried or married. This underscores the importance of providing support and resources to individuals who have experienced the loss of their life partner, so they can regain a sense of satisfaction and well-being.
B) To further plan interventions, the Pietential platform was used to see the difference in wellbeing of widows and widowers by using comparative analysis feature:
The data indicates that there is no significant difference in the experiences of widowed men and women. Further interviews with community leaders revealed that this could be because most individuals in the community become widowed later in life, so they are typically settled and have families to support them.
Due to having almost similar wellbeing levels, Pbss devised a common intervention for both
widows and widowers. Under this plan, widowed support groups have been formed,
providing them with financial assistance, education, and employment opportunities. Widows
also receive various benefits through government schemes, including financial aid, housing,
and other social amenities. In this way, the organization has endeavored to improve their
situation by providing support and assistance to these groups. As part of this effort, the
following programs have been implemented…
This program was organized to promote harmony in the widows' community and to address their social struggles. Under this initiative, Pbss conducted various activities and events such as conferences, discussions, and community service programs. These activities aimed to enhance social cohesion, harmony in society, and foster social goodwill.
The objective of this program was to provide widows with economic independence by offering them vocational training, financial assistance, and encouragement for entrepreneurship. As part of this, Pbss organized various economic schemes such as vocational training camps, career counseling sessions, and loan assistance programs.
The objective of this program was to provide assistance to widows in housing facilities, home care, and real estate matters. Pbss organized various schemes in this field, such as housing conventions, housing care sessions, and property acquisition plans.
Under this program, we initiated various vocational training and self-employment schemes
to provide opportunities for the widowed. Within this framework, the organization conducted
skill development programs and industrial technical training programs.
The main objective of these programs was to assist widowed communities in gaining
independence, self-reliance, and equal rights in society.
C) Post- Assessment Findings:
After six months of active intervention, the widowed community wellbeing was re-evaluated using the Pietential platform-
These figures show -
An increase from 54% to 58% in SELF-ACTUALIZATION indicates that they are experiencing even greater confidence and understanding within themselves after intervention.
The increase in SELF-ESTEEM from 51% to 56% indicates that they are becoming more capable of respecting themselves.
The increase from 48% to 55% in BELONGING indicates a clear improvement in the social and familial lives.
It is evident from an increase of 50% to 58% in SAFETY that there is an improvement in their sense of feeling safe.
The increase in PHYSIOLOGICAL from 46% to 54% clearly indicates that they are getting more facilities for health and food.
This data demonstrates that Pbss has taken steps in the right direction, but further support and assistance are still needed to sustain the impact. The data further supports that vocational training programs indeed have positive effects on the overall wellbeing of the widowed community in the Korku tribe.
The case study on the Korku tribes residing in the Kesala block of the Narmadapuram district provides a comprehensive insight into the lives and wellbeing of this significant indigenous community. Through the dedicated efforts of Prerit Bhauuddeshiya Sanstha Samiti (PBSS), substantial improvements in the holistic wellbeing of the Korku people have been achieved, particularly through targeted interventions focusing on gender equality, healthcare, digital literacy, and vocational training.
Key Findings and Impact:
Gender and Wellbeing:
The data revealed near-parity between men and women in areas such as self-actualization, self-esteem, and a sense of belonging. However, slight disparities in safety and physiological health highlighted the need for more focused efforts on women's wellbeing.
PBSS's interventions, including comprehensive health programs and empowerment initiatives, successfully addressed these disparities, leading to significant improvements in women's health and safety.
Lifestyle Adjustment Programs:
The pre-and post-assessment results showed marked improvements across all aspects of holistic wellbeing, including self-actualization, self-esteem, and physiological needs.
Initiatives such as document assistance camps, health check-ups, digital literacy training, and legal awareness workshops were pivotal in enhancing the community's overall quality of life and integration into modern societal frameworks.
Vocational Training for Widowed Individuals:
The study identified lower levels of wellbeing among widowed individuals compared to their married or unmarried counterparts, underscoring the need for targeted support.
PBSS's vocational training programs and economic empowerment schemes significantly improved the self-actualization, self-esteem, and safety of widowed community members, demonstrating the positive impact of such interventions.
Assessment Platform Used:
Pietential, a holistic wellbeing assessment platform based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, played a crucial role in this study. It provided a structured framework for evaluating the community's wellbeing across different dimensions, such as self-actualization, self-esteem, belonging, safety, and physiological needs. The platform facilitated a two-phase assessment process, allowing for accurate pre-and post-intervention comparisons, sub-group creation and comparative analysis across demography, and sub-groups. This enabled PBSS to identify specific areas requiring attention and to measure the effectiveness of their programs accurately.
The PBSS initiatives, guided by the precise assessments from Pietential, have clearly made a substantial positive impact on the Korku community's wellbeing, as evidenced by the improvements recorded in the post-assessment. The holistic approach, addressing physiology, safety, belonging, self-esteem, and self-actualization, has proven effective in uplifting the Korku tribes. However, continued support and further interventions are essential to sustain and build upon these gains. The case study underscores the importance of sustained, targeted efforts to improve the wellbeing of marginalized communities and the pivotal role of comprehensive, community-driven programs in achieving social progress.